Wednesday, September 2, 2009

One Pound

One pound of hamburger to feed a small family.
One pound of bird crap I had to wash off my car.
One pound of steel to make an engine part
One pound of gold to hedge against inflation.
One pound is about 1.625 US dollars.
One pounds on the door of an itenerate lover.
One pound of ceramics will make you a decent sized bowl.
One pound of electronics could rule the world, one day.
One pound of enthusiasm is worth three of momentum.
One pound of dollar bills would buy you a nice didgeridoo.
One pound of CO2 will keep your beer carbonated for a few pints off the top.
One pound of fire would be hard to measure.
One pound is one pound is one pound. God can not make it otherwise.
One pound of coffee can perk up an entire office.
One pound coffee can is hard to come by these days.
One pound of letters lets you write a lot of nonsense on a blog.

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